Now that I am Team Leader for nursing and midwifery research at my esteemed university, I am responsible for everything, not just ‘vision’ of course for our research but other things too. Here’s an email I got this morning:
Dear Michael
I would like to say how disappointed I have been with the whole set up following our move here. Yes, we are in a ‘mess’. It seems to me that there is a need for someone to take full responsibilty for the staff here of which I am one of many. I am not alone in voicing this.
I thought following our meeting with you, and [name removed to protect the innocent] there would be an action plan drawn up with timescales and clear lines of communication with relevant H & S/Fire and Security managers as well as day to day running of this place such as ordering of papers etc… Could you please clarify for all of us who and what is currently being followed up and timescales involved. We probably need to see an action plan.
There are still unresolved and outstanding issues related to the above and it would be helpful and timely for all of us here in [name of building removed] to know what you (& [name removed]? )have decided. It has been a complete waste of time for all of us to be in dialogue with different people at different times.
Hopefully basic requirements are being actioned now; We need to know what is happening with the rest.
M[name removed] has been here looking for you and I am unable to tell him where you can be contacted. I have asked him to email you!
With all good wishes
[name removed]
Dr [name removed]
[other identifier removed]
Middlesex University
Highgate Hill
London N19 3UA
[further identifiers removed]
Any other ‘team leaders’ of anything out there with similar expectations to share?