Today, on an unusually warm sunny day in September, I took the train up to Cambridge with the intention of exploring on my motorcycle some off road route near to the city. Its part of the Icknield Way an ancient walking route from Buckinghamshire to Norfolk that passes near Cambridge on its way to Suffolk and Norfolk. The part that I rode turned out to be quite a safe and easy gravel route, occasionally sloping up hill and very occasionally wet with muddy puddles. I can imagine that it would be not so easy to ride after wet weather. But it was a confidence booster. The last time I took my highly off road capable bike off the tarmac was in Portugal to try part of the ACT heading south from Braganza and that was a more tricky ride, with lots of turnoffs to avoid and all done in 35 degree heat. This reminded me of the Bardenas Reales in Spain which is a much easier and entertaining route. I need to do this more often.